Sleepy Hollow Woods Garden Club

The Sleepy Hollow Woods Garden & Craft Club disbanded itself in the Summer of 2018 and donated its archives to the Fairfax County Public Library's Virginia Room on July 19, 2018. The Garden Club was represented by Carol Irons - President, DeEtte Johnson - Programs, Ingrid Schwartz, Barbara Jones and John F. St. Hilaire. The VA Room was represented by Mr. Christopher Barbuschak, Archivist/Librarian (teal polo shirt) Photos by John F. St. Hilaire |

Got A New Camera – and its Fun

Well, despite all my vows not to make this about equipment, I bought a new camera. Not just a new camera, but an entirely new system. Its an Olympus OMD EM1 Mark II which is a micro four thirds type camera. The advantage of micro four thirds is that you get high quality with compact size and light weight, along with a wide, very wide, selection of lenses and accessories. Here's a few examples: a portrait, fourth of July fireworks, an artist's studio, a very handsome cat, another portrait, and a nature photo of a footbridge over a stream in dappled light.


July 4, 2018 - Major fireworks in Washington, DC seen from a rooftop in nearby Arlington, VA. The Washington Monument in the background is 550 feet tall for a sense of scale.

Journalism is the First Rough Draft of History...

The Newseum in Washington, DC is dedicated to the first amendment. The exhibits change from time to time, but the underlying theme, at east as I personally understand it, is how journalism, and photojournalism in particular, both reflects our lives and changes our lives by framing the terms of public discourse in a Democracy.  The trip is well worthwhile for anyone interested in these themes. One aphorism on the walls states that journalism is the first rough draft of history.


I have the privilege to study Photoshop for portrait retouching with amazing students and instructors at the Northern VA Community College this Fall. We have a brand-new arts building with all kinds of high-end and brand-new equipment, all in a stunning new building. My classmates are just plain wonderful, special people and the Professor is – simply the best. Things couldn't be better!

Use left & right arrow keys to advance thru pictures.

35mm Prime Time

Photographed a public meeting to consider name changes for JEB Stuart High School in Falls Church, VA this weekend. JEB Stuart was a confederate general in the Civil War. Confederate names and symbols have become the center of a very useful discussion about civil rights, historical interpretation and how we value diversity. The audience had a wide range of suggestions, some of which were directly opposite one another and all of which were sincerely held. All photos were made with my handy-dandy little 35mm Prime Lens. Clearly its a limitation, but for some reason I love this lens anyway. It just has a certain look and very seldom lets me down.

First Impressions

Why do you need a professional head shot? Because:

" There is no first impressions anymore. They'll google you before the first meeting. "
- Patrick Stump -